Epds reliability and validity
Epds reliability and validity

epds reliability and validity

and Schaefer developed a questionnaire to measure the effects of parental behavior on children 4, 5. It has been suggested that childhood maltreatment is a risk factor for detrimental effects on mental health that may extend to adulthood 2, 3. Individuals’ childhood experiences with their parents affect their personal, psychological, and social development in adulthood 1. The reliability and validity of the PBI in perinatal Japanese women were confirmed, and it was found that the PBI had a three-factor structure. Each factor showed a high degree of internal consistency, and each factor of the PBI correlated with the EPDS, indicating construct validity. Confirmatory factor analysis of the remaining half of the answers showed comprehensible fitness. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on half of the responses, and it was confirmed that the three factors were care, interference, and autonomy. In this study, complete responses to the PBI and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) were received from 932 primiparas at 25 weeks of gestation and at 1 month postpartum. Although previous studies of the relationships between perinatal depression and parenting experiences have used the factor structures of the PBI from the general population, it is unclear whether the same factor structures are appropriate in the highly variable perinatal period. The factor structure of the PBI differs depending on variables such as psychosocial factors including culture, race, sex, and psychological and social conditions of participants. The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) evaluates parental attitudes derived from an individual’s childhood experiences with their parents.

Epds reliability and validity